Add a custom library for matching

add_lib(file, class_name = NULL, and_cols = "all", or_cols = "rest",
  mode = c("Pos", "Neg"), adduct = "[M+H]+", dda = TRUE,
  aif = TRUE)



CSV file or a data frame, with lipid names as first column, and precursor M/Z in second column and a column for each potential fragment.


Full name of the lipid class. Defaults to basename of the input file


Character or numeric vector for Columns containing all necessary fragments for ID. Defaults to 'all', i.e. all fragments must be observed in data.


Character or numeric vector for Columns containing fragments where at least one fragment must be observed for ID. Defaults to 'rest', i.e. all fragments not included in and_cols. Set argument to FALSE to have no or_cols.


Whether this library is for 'Pos' or 'Neg' mode. Default is 'Pos'.


Adduct of molecules in the library. Default is '[M+H]+'


Whether this library is suitable for DDA data.


Whether this library is suitable for AIF data.


A tibble with a single row containing the library information and data. The created library is also added to the full list of available libraries.


csv_file <- system.file("extdata", "PC_H.csv", package = "lipID") lib_data <- readr::read_csv(csv_file)
#> Parsed with column specification: #> cols( #> PC = col_character(), #> `[M+H]+` = col_double(), #> `MH-PC` = col_double(), #> `MH-tail1&TrimethylAmine` = col_double(), #> `MH-tail2&TrimethylAmine` = col_double(), #> `MH-Tail1` = col_double(), #> `MH-Tail2` = col_double(), #> LPC_T1_H = col_double(), #> LPC_T2_H = col_double(), #> `RCOO+58_T1` = col_double(), #> `RCOO+58_T2` = col_double(), #> `PC Head` = col_double() #> )
#> # A tibble: 6 x 12 #> PC `[M+H]+` `MH-PC` `MH-tail1&Trime… `MH-tail2&Trime… `MH-Tail1` `MH-Tail2` #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 PC(1… 735. 552. 419. 419. 478. 478. #> 2 PC(1… 733. 549. 417. 419. 476. 478. #> 3 PC(1… 763. 580. 447. 419. 506. 478. #> 4 PC(1… 761. 578. 445. 419. 504. 478. #> 5 PC(1… 759. 576. 443. 419. 502. 478. #> 6 PC(1… 791. 608. 475. 419. 534. 478. #> # … with 5 more variables: LPC_T1_H <dbl>, LPC_T2_H <dbl>, `RCOO+58_T1` <dbl>, #> # `RCOO+58_T2` <dbl>, `PC Head` <dbl>
amended_libs <- add_lib( csv_file, class_name = 'MyPhosphatidylCholine', and_cols = c(2, 12), or_cols = c(8, 9), mode = 'Pos', adduct = '[M+H]+', dda = TRUE, aif = TRUE )
#> Parsed with column specification: #> cols( #> PC = col_character(), #> `[M+H]+` = col_double(), #> `MH-PC` = col_double(), #> `MH-tail1&TrimethylAmine` = col_double(), #> `MH-tail2&TrimethylAmine` = col_double(), #> `MH-Tail1` = col_double(), #> `MH-Tail2` = col_double(), #> LPC_T1_H = col_double(), #> LPC_T2_H = col_double(), #> `RCOO+58_T1` = col_double(), #> `RCOO+58_T2` = col_double(), #> `PC Head` = col_double() #> )
#> # A tibble: 219 x 13 #> `basename(file)` and_cols or_cols dda aif class_only mode adduct #> <chr> <list> <list> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <chr> <chr> #> 1 PC_H.csv <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+H]+ #> 2 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… TRUE FALSE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 3 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… TRUE FALSE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 4 <NA> <chr [3… <chr [… TRUE FALSE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 5 <NA> <chr [4… <chr [… TRUE FALSE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 6 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+H]+ #> 7 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 8 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 9 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 10 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+NH… #> # … with 209 more rows, and 5 more variables: class_name <chr>, classkmd <dbl>, #> # ions <named list>, user_defined <lgl>, file <chr>
# Get only the added library amended_libs %>% dplyr::filter(user_defined)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 13 #> `basename(file)` and_cols or_cols dda aif class_only mode adduct #> <chr> <list> <list> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <chr> <chr> #> 1 PC_H.csv <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+H]+ #> # … with 5 more variables: class_name <chr>, classkmd <dbl>, ions <named list>, #> # user_defined <lgl>, file <chr>
# Get built-in libraries as well as added ones for # speific polarity / acquisition mode. amended_libs %>% dplyr::filter(mode == 'Pos', dda) # Pos DDA libs
#> # A tibble: 84 x 13 #> `basename(file)` and_cols or_cols dda aif class_only mode adduct #> <chr> <list> <list> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <chr> <chr> #> 1 PC_H.csv <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+H]+ #> 2 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+H]+ #> 3 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+NH… #> 4 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE FALSE FALSE Pos [M+H]+ #> 5 <NA> <chr [4… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+3N… #> 6 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+NH… #> 7 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+NH… #> 8 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Pos [M+NH… #> 9 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… TRUE FALSE FALSE Pos [M+NH… #> 10 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… TRUE FALSE TRUE Pos [M+NH… #> # … with 74 more rows, and 5 more variables: class_name <chr>, classkmd <dbl>, #> # ions <named list>, user_defined <lgl>, file <chr>
amended_libs %>% dplyr::filter(mode == 'Neg', aif) # Neg AIF libs
#> # A tibble: 75 x 13 #> `basename(file)` and_cols or_cols dda aif class_only mode adduct #> <chr> <list> <list> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <chr> <chr> #> 1 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 2 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 3 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 4 <NA> <chr [4… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-2H… #> 5 <NA> <chr [4… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 6 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE TRUE Neg [M-H]- #> 7 <NA> <chr [2… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 8 <NA> <chr [3… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> 9 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… FALSE TRUE FALSE Neg [M+C2… #> 10 <NA> <chr [1… <chr [… TRUE TRUE FALSE Neg [M-H]- #> # … with 65 more rows, and 5 more variables: class_name <chr>, classkmd <dbl>, #> # ions <named list>, user_defined <lgl>, file <chr>