This function generates genesets based on a given netowrk, by grouping vertices sharing common attributes (in the same pathway or compartment). Genes associated with each vertex can be specified through gene.attr argument.

getGeneSets(graph, use.attr = "pathway", gene.attr = "genes", gmt.file)



An annotated igraph object..


The attribute by which vertices are grouped (tepically pathway, or GO)


The attribute listing genes annotated with each vertex (ex: miriam.ncbigene, miriam.uniprot, ...)


Optinal. If provided, Results are exported to a GMT file. GMT files are readily used by most gene set analysis packages.


A list of genesets or written to gmt file if provided.


Ahmed Mohamed


 data(ex_kgml_sig)  # Ras and chemokine signaling pathways in human
 genesets <- getGeneSets(ex_kgml_sig, use.attr="pathway", gene.attr="miriam.ncbigene")
#> This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
#>  Call `igraph::upgrade_graph()` on it to use with the current igraph version.
#> For now we convert it on the fly...

  # Write the genesets in a GMT file, and read it using GSEABase package.
 getGeneSets(ex_kgml_sig, use.attr="pathway", gene.attr="miriam.ncbigene", gmt.file="kgml.gmt")
 if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  } # }

  # Create genesets using compartment information
  data(ex_sbml) # bipartite metabolic network of Carbohydrate metabolism.
  genesets <- getGeneSets(ex_sbml, use.attr="", gene.attr="miriam.uniprot")
#> This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
#>  Call `igraph::upgrade_graph()` on it to use with the current igraph version.
#> For now we convert it on the fly...