This function generates geneset networks based on a given netowrk, by grouping vertices sharing common attributes (in the same pathway or compartment).
use.attr = "pathway",
format = c("list", "pathway-class")
An annotated igraph object..
The attribute by which vertices are grouped (tepically pathway, or GO)
The output format. If "list" is specified, a list of subgraphs are returned (default). If "pathway-class" is specified, a list of pathway-class objects are returned. Pathway-class is used by graphite package to run several methods of topology-based enrichment analyses.
A list of geneset networks as igraph or Pathway-class objects.
data(ex_kgml_sig) # Ras and chemokine signaling pathways in human
genesetnets <- getGeneSetNetworks(ex_kgml_sig, use.attr="pathway")
#> This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
#> ℹ Call `igraph::upgrade_graph()` on it to use with the current igraph version.
#> For now we convert it on the fly...
# Integration with graphite package
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
if(requireNamespace("graphite") & requireNamespace("clipper") & requireNamespace("ALL")){
genesetnets <- getGeneSetNetworks(ex_kgml_sig,
use.attr="pathway", format="pathway-class")
path <- convertIdentifiers(genesetnets$`Chemokine signaling pathway`,
genes <- nodes(path)
all <- as.matrix(exprs(ALL[1:length(genes),1:20]))
classes <- c(rep(1,10), rep(2,10))
rownames(all) <- genes
runClipper(path, all, classes, "mean", pathThr=0.1)
} # }